Thursday, November 18, 2021

Causes of feline fever

  Why does your cat have a fever?

 If your cat has a fever, you can normally detect it by using a pediatric thermometer. There are several reasons why your cat could have a fever, including bacterial, fungal or viral infections. 

If your cat has a tumor or is having a reaction to certain medications, they can also have a fever. Conditions such as lupus can also cause fevers, so it's important to take your cat to the veterinarian if you observe them having a fever for a few days.


Ensure for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with chf

Friday, November 5, 2021

Dandelion and blood pressure medication

   Dandelion is an herb that is sometimes recommended along with conventional medicines because of its diuretic properties. Researchers think that dandelion's diuretic effect is due to its high potassium content. 

If your holistic medical practitioner recommends dandelion, they may first adjust the dosage of prescription medications that you are currently taking. If you're not currently being managed by a holistic health care provider, it's important to talk to your doctor about dandelion and any other herbal supplements that you may be taking. 

Dandelion can interact with several types of prescription medications including estrogen based contraceptives, prescription diuretics, antipsychotic medications, antidepressants and statins.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Blood Pooling in Leg Veins

  Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins in the legs don't work as they should. The veins are designed with valves which work similar to the valves that you would see in a pipe or elsewhere.

 Just as a valve in a pipe should allow water to flow in one direction, the valves that are placed in your legs also should only allow blood to flow in one direction. 

 However, patients with chronic venous insufficiency find that blood is also flowing back ways, so what happens is that excess blood collects in the legs. 

This causes discomfort and even pain. However, it is not regarded as a life-threatening condition.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Pet Ensure

  Clinicare liquid meal replacement for cats and dogs can be given to adult dogs during or outside of illness. This is a liquid diet and it can be easily divided into portions, with any unused portion stored in your fridge for the next time that you will need it.

Clinicare supplies cats and dogs with electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. it contains carbohydrates, fats and protein, so  your dog will receive everything that they need to keep them going during a time when they're unable to eat their regular foods.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Dandelion for Dogs with Heart Disease

  Dandelion Benefits for Dogs

Elderly dog congestive heart failure treatment can help your dog to live a healthier life. Most dogs that are affected by congestive heart failure are unable to participate in exercise as they normally would.

Treatment consists of medication that alleviates pressure on the heart so that your dog would have been more relaxed. Veterinarians prescribe diuretics as a part of their treatment and holistic veterinarians may discuss the benefits of dandelion with you.

Dandelion root tea can help with immunity, detox, and heart health. Dandelion is a natural diuretic and can be used to help dogs and cats.

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